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Expressions and their Resolving

Expressions and their Resolving in CSVfox commands


An expression is a compilation of placeholders and literal text in one string.

Through resolving, all placeholders will be replaced, such as formulas will be computed, numbers will be formatted, or column content will be inserted.

When done, the resolved expression, i.e. the completed text string, can be used for being inserted into a column field, for evaluating a comparison, or for which purpose ever.

Usage of Expressions

Expressions are ubiquitous in CSVfox commands.
They are resolved at runtime for each individual CSV data row and for each individual CSV data field.

Expressions can be used
  • as content to be assigned to a CSV field:
  • as a condition for a command execution:
    -if{...}//set[field]= ... 
  • as a filter condition for the output of data rows to the output file:
An expression for the contents of a field results in a string that is inserted into that field.
As a condition or a filter, an expression, or a comparison of two expressions, yields a truth value that decides whether or not that condition is satisfied.

Resolving of an Expression

Resolving means doing all necessary replacement inside an expression.

This is one of the main functions of CSVfox, building the output data from input, according to your requirements.
Resolving works line-wise, which means that all (but only the) data of the current data row is available for processing.

When resolving happens on the input side (+set, +replace, +regex, +add etc.), only data of the currently read input or merge file is available. Resolving on the output side (-set, -replace, -regex, -add etc.) will happen afterwards and works with all data of the input and merge files, combined into a single data row for output.

Resolving may include:

  • inserting well-known data, like the current line number for (#), or the original contents of the current field instead of [*]
  • transforming escaped control characters and code point placeholders to their desired values, see Placeholders
  • interpreting, reformatting, and inserting numeric CSV data fields
  • calculating formulas from numeric CSV data fields and expressions, and inserting the (optionally formatted) result
  • and inserting all other CSV fields and variables as required.

Example: resolving a numerical expression

We have a simple CSV table about the prices of fruit on sale as an input file.

We want to display the gross sales price together with an advertising text. Unfortunately, we only have the net prices, but fortunately the table also contains the sales tax rate.
fruitnet pricesales tax
Now we create another column "Special offer".
-new[Special offer]="Only today: {([net price]*(1+([sales tax]/100)),2} Euro!"

This command adds a new column named "Special Offer" to the output file.
The part to the right of "=" is an expression. It consists of some text, then a formatted formula (which is calculated from two other columns), then text again.

Then, for each individual row, this is the expression that is assigned to the column content:
Only today: {([Net price]*(1+([Sales tax]/100)),2} Euro!
This expression must be resolved and the result become inserted into the new [Special offer] column field.

As part of the expression we see a fomula that must be calculated and formatted first:
{([Net price]*(1+([Sales tax]/100)),2}
At first, the value of the [Net price] column is multiplied by a factor derived from the value of the [Sales tax] column. The result is formatted with decimal point and two decimal places for output.

That value becomes embedded in a string that starts with "Only today: ", then comes the formatted number, then at the end is " Euro!".

That string will become the content of the new [Special offer] column.

And this will be the resulting output file:

fruitnet pricesales taxspecial offer
Apples2,0019Only today: 2,38 Euro!
Pears3,0019Only today: 3,57 Euro!

You can find more about getting CSV field contents at CSV Field Access.

Escaping Special Characters

Hide special characters in text or field names from interpreting them as special

If you also use these special characters like "[", ")", etc. in literals text, they must be hidden from being interpreted.
You do this through prepending a backslash "\" before them.
Please find more details here: Character Escaping and Placeholders.

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