Gets the job done.

Choosing Input and Output File Path

Commands for handling input and output file names

When not using any of the file name parameters listed below thorough an csvfox call, the following default values will be used:

  • The first file name (parameter that cannot be identified as a valid or invalid csvfox command) is interpreted as the input file (including path, otherwise in the current working directory) .
  • The second parameter that cannot be identified as a valid or invalid csvfox command name is interpreted as the output file (including path, otherwise in the current working directory).
  • There are no merge files to process.
  • The log file name is "csvfox.log" in the current working directory.
If there can no input file name be found, input data is being read from STDIN (perhaps as output from another application).
Similarly, if no output file name can be identified, output data is being written to STDOUT (to the screen, or perhaps as piped data input for another application).
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