Gets the job done.


Inserts a new expression into a CSV table field at a defined position


Inserts new content into a data field at a specified place.
The positon and the new content are separated by a slash separator ("/") .
The position/content pairs are then separated by commas.

The overall length of the data field will grow accordingly.
The leftmost position, for content insertion at the beginning of the data field, is 1.
The start definition can also be enclosed with brackets to make it more visible to readers.

A single content insertion



-insertat[field]=(3)/NewContent inserts "NewContent" into [Field] at position 3.

Do not forget to escape all brackets and other special characters in the replacement content by prepending a backslash, see also Placeholders .

The new content can be a literal string, some field content, or a more complex expression.
This expression will be resolved before replacement takes place.

Inserting into multiple data fields in the same way



When more data fields are given as a list, then the same replacement will be applied to all data fields in this list.
When the special field name [*] is used, this means that replacement will take place in all data fields of the current table row.

Inserting new content into multiple positions


±insertpos[Field]=(start)/NewContent,(start2)/NewContent2,... ±insertpos[Field],[Field],[Field]=(start)/NewContent,... ±insertpos[Field]=(start1)/(start2)/NewContent,...

You can also replace more than one content part with a common replacement. To achieve this, all parts to replace, as well as the replacement, are concaternated with a slash, the last part of this combination is then interpreted as the replacement.

Under construction, coming soon