Gets the job done.


Merges all fields from an additional CSV file to the current row.


This command merges additional columns from another CSV file to the current row of the input file.

For each line of the input file, it uses a local and a remote key field, comparing both fields to find the correct data (CSV row) in the additional file. Then it appends that row's fields to the local data fields.

All "+"commands before the %merge command refer to the input file, while all "+"commands afterwards refer to the additionally merged file.
All "-" column or field commands will then refer to the combined input and merged fields in the output file. At last, all fields will then be written together into the output file (as long as they have not been removed afterwards, see also ±delete and ±columns). 


%merge=filename %merge[localfield]=filename %merge[localfield]=[remotefield]@filename

If all field names are omitted, the command will use the first column of the input file as the local key, and, if exists, a column with the same name in the additional file as the remote key.
If there is no column with an identical column name, the first column in the additional file will be compared with the first column of the input file.

If only the local key field or expression is defined, the command will use the identically named field or the same expression for the additional file. If  such column does not exist, the first column of the additional file will be used as remote key.

If only the remote key is given, it will be compared to the first column of the input file.

If neither local nor remote key are defined, the first columns of each table will be used as key for matching.

Usage examples

Say we have a table of articles:
23Golden Watch2000.003what
55Pair of Shoes99.902brand

And there is another table about VAT rates:
0VAT free0
1Reduced VAT7
2Normal VAT19
3Luxus VAT25

As we can see, the column VAT in table articles.csv matches with the column ID in table vat-rates.csv .

Using this, we can merge the respective VAT rates into the articles table:
articles.csv %merge[VAT]=[ID]@vat-rates.csv articles-with-vat.csv
This will be the resulting table:
12Bread0.751bla1Reduced VAT7
15Milk1.501blub1Reduced VAT7
18Trousers49.992bar2Normal VAT19
23Golden Watch2000.003what3Luxus VAT25
55Pair of Shoes99.902brand2Normal VAT19

Having done this, one can also calculate the gross price in an additional column.
At last, the columns can be rearranged for a more concise article file, if desired.
articles.csv %merge[VAT]=[ID]@vat-rates.csv -add[GrossPrice]="{([Price]+[VAT]%).2}" -columns=ID,Description,Price,Rate,GrossPrice articles-with-vat.csv
This will be the resulting table:
23Golden Watch2000.00252500.00
55Pair of Shoes99.9019118,88
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