Defines the output CSV file name
The file name where the CSV output file will be written to.
It is generally not necessary to use this command, if the input file has already been defined; the next parameter that does not look like a command, but is apparently a file name, automatically defines the output file.
Use this command together with the output file name, if you have to specify explicitly that this is to be the output file name, while the input file name is not defined.
This is the case when there is to be no input file name, because CSV-formatted input comes from a piped stream (STDIN).
You can also explicitly state that output shall be sent to piped STDOUT stream. In this case, leave the output file name empty. This is used for printing the output directly to the console, or for piping the output data to the next processing step input via | (pipe).
If required, an encoding can also be attached to the %out command.
Usage Examples
- csvfox infile.csv (...) -out=outfile.csv
- csvfox infile.csv (...) outfile.csv
- Both commands do the same, they define that the CSV file shall be written to outfile.csv.
- csvfox infile.csv (...) -out=
- csvfox infile.csv (...)
- Both commands do the same, they define that the CSV file shall be written to STDOUT.