Gets the job done.


Find the desired table on a HTML web page with multiple tables


This command is only relevant for accessing a HTML table on a web page, when there is more than one table.
It has no relevance for CSV, TXT or RECORD files.

Per default, if the table filetype is defined as "HTML", the first table on the page is chosen and read.
Otherwise, the table can be chosen by giving the number of the table, or an attribute.

# +htmltable@attribute=value # +htmltable@id=mytable # +htmltable@(number)

Says that the third table shall be read.

The table with the id "this-one" shall be read.

The first table of the class "myclass" shall be read.

Usage Examples

csvfox infile.txt +e=ASCII +fileype=TEXT +fixed=10,30,30,:2,5,20,35,4,:16 outfile.csv
Reads infile.txt as a fixed-width ASCII-encoded text file, with one data record on each line.
Its first field has the width of 10 characters, then come two fields with a width of 30 characters each.
Then there is a gap of two characters whose content is to be ignored.
After this, follow some fields with a width of 5, 20, and 35 characters, and at last a field with a width of 4 characters.
At last, there are still exactly 16 characters at the end that will be ignored. This might be padding or might contain data that are not needed further.
All valid fields will be written in standard CSV format to outfile.csv in default encoding.
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