Gets the job done.


Sets the environment setting of the locale


The %locale setting affects the the field delimiter used for the CSV files, as well as the default decimal and thousands separator for number formatting, if nothing different is specified by other parameters (encoding, delimiter, field formatting).

In Windows, this additionally affects the default file and console encoding (e.g. "Windows-1252").
In other environments, the default encoding is always UTF-8 and can only be changed by %encoding or ±encoding.

This might be a handy shortcut when working with CSV files that come from a foreign domain and are not typical for the local domain. E.g. if you are in the US, but all the input and output CSV files have a semicolon field delimiter and use a decimal comma in the numeric fields, it may be practical to just switch to de-DE instead of doing all format settings for each file.

This setting is only effective within the CSVFOX software, not system-wide like a "locale" command on the command line.


The parameter consists of a list of one or more desired locale settings. Each setting may consist of a language or a language and a region, separated with a hyphen or an underscore.
If more than one setting is given, the settings are separated by semicolons or commas.
The %locale command attempts to set one of these settings, starting with the first. If this is successful, the process stops. Otherwise the next option will be tried.
Which locales are available for each Windows environment depends on the country-specific installation.

Usage Example

The user wants to switch to English, preferably British English.
This command attempts to set the locale to "en-EN". If this fails, "en-US" will be tried, and if this fails again, the last resort is only "en".

This command has no shortcut.

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